Saturday 1 January 2022

Bar Graphs - Primary 3

In Primary 1 and 2, students learn about picture graphs. In primary 3, students learn to read and interpret data from bar graphs.

What are bar graphs? The diagram below shows an example of a bar graph. In a bar graph, each bar represents a variable, and the other axis shows the quantity. 

bar graphs for primary 3 Singapore Math

Now that we know what bar graphs are, let's look at what's tested in primary 3 Math on bar graph.

In this topic on bar graphs, students are expected to:

  • Read and interpret data from bar graphs
  • Using different scales on the axis
  • Solve 1- step problems using data from bar graphs

Angles, parallel and perpendicular lines - Primary 3

In primary 3 Math in Singapore, students learn about angles, parallel and perpendicular lines. In this post, let's look in detail what they learn in this topic.

angle for primary school math

1. Angles

  • what is angle,  how to denote angles e.g. ∠ABC
  • right angles, obtuse angles and acute angles

2. Perpendicular and parallel lines

  • what are perpendicular and parallel lines
  • drawing perpendicular and parallel lines

Time - Primary 3

Like all topics in Singapore Math, one chapter is an extension from a previous chapter. In primary 3 chapter on time, students make use of what they have learnt in primary 1 and 2 to learn more about time.

In this post, let's look at what they learn in time in detail.

learn about time in primary 3 Singapore math

 In primary 3 Math topic on time, students learn this:

  • Telling time to the minute
  • Use of 'past' and 'to' to tell time
  • Measuring time in hours and minutes
  • Converting time from minutes to hours and minutes and vice versa
  • Find start time, finish time and duration given 2 other quantities
  • Solving problems involving time in hours and minutes

Area and Perimeter - Primary 3

In primary 3 Math curriculum in Singapore, students learn to find area and perimeter of squares and rectangles. 

finding area and perimeters of rectangles and squares - as tested in primary 3 Singapore Math

In this post, let's talk in detail about what's taught in area and perimeter in Primary 3. 

  • Understand the concept of area and perimeter
  • Measuring area in cm2 and m2
  • Finding area and perimeter of:
    • rectangle
    • square
  • Find perimeter of rectilinear figures

Friday 31 December 2021

Measurement of length, volume and mass - Primary 3

In primary 3, students learn to measure length, volume and mass. As the curriculum is based in Singapore, metric units are used. Let's break down in detail what students in primary 3 need to know for length, mass and volume.

measurement - what's tested in primary 3 Singapore math for length, volume and mass

1. Length

  • Length in kilometres, metres and centimetres
  • Unit conversion
  • Solving word problems involving lengths

2. Mass

  • Unit conversion
  • Solving word problems involving masses

3. Volume

  • Measuring volumes in litres and millilitres
  • Unit conversion
  • Solving word problems involving volumes