Saturday 25 December 2021

Numbers to 1000 - Primary 2

 In this chapter on numbers to 1000, students learn:

  • Counting to 1000
  • Comparing and ordering numbers to 1000
  • Number Patterns within 1000
  • Odd and even number

numbers to 1000 - in primary 2 maths

Counting to 1000

In primary 1 Maths, we've learnt to count to 100, by counting in ones or tens. To count in ones to 1000 is long. Instead we can count by 100s.

Since we are learning a four- digit number, we will be looking at 4 different place values:
  • ones
  • tens
  • hundreds
  • thousands
Given a number (up to 1000), we should now be able to tell what's in the different place values.

Comparing and ordering numbers

In comparing numbers, primary 2 students compare two numbers to determine which one is greater (or smaller) and how much greater (or smaller).

Students should also be able to compare a few numbers, and order them from smallest to greatest.

Number Patterns

In number patterns, students are expected to determine the pattern in a series, and find the missing numbers.

Odd and even numbers

At the end of the chapter, students learn about odd and even numbers.

Even numbers: Even numbers are numbers that can be put into groups of 2. Even numbers end with 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 (i.e. have these numbers in the ones place).
Odd numbers: Odd numbers are numbers that cannot be put into groups of 2, as one of the items is not paired. Odd numbers end with 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 (i.e. have these numbers in the ones place).