Friday, 31 December 2021

Addition and Subtraction within 10000 - Primary 3

Now that your child has learnt numbers to 10,000, they will also learn to add and subtract within 10,000. By now, your child should be familiar with using the working method to add and subtract numbers manually. With an additional place value, the method to add and subtract is the same. 

addition and subtraction within 10,000 - for primary 3 Topic based on Singapore Math curriculum

For this topic, I'll suggest starting off with lots of addition and subtraction practice. And once they are familiar with addition and subtraction of numbers within 10,000, give them a challenge with an addition place value (yes, numbers up to 100,000 is learnt in Primary 4, but what's stopping them from being able to do so?). Key thing is to help them understand that even with bigger numbers, the way to add and subtract is the same.

Once your child is familiar with solving such questions, then move on to word problems. Word problems are the centre of the Singapore Math curriculum, and being able to solve word problems using the 4 operations ( add, subtract, divide and multiply) is key. 

There is also some mental maths in this chapter. Students are expected to be able to add and subtract 2- digit numbers mentally. 

To sum up what I've mentioned above, here's a summary of what's covered in this topic:

  • Addition and subtraction within 10000
  • Solving 2- step addition and subtraction word problems
  • Mental calculation involving addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers