Saturday, 25 December 2021

Mass - Primary 2

 In primary 2, students also learn to:

  • measure mass in kilograms (kg) and grams
  • use the appropriate units of measurement
  • comparing and ordering masses
measuring mass in primary 2 Singapore Math

Measuring mass 

In Singapore (and in Asia and Europe), we use the metric units. Hence, mass is often measured in grams and kilograms. In the primary 2 Math topic on mass, students learn what's mass, and how we measure then using a mass balance. 

Using Appropriate units 

For small mass (e.g. flour for our cake), we often use grams to measure the mass. For bigger masses (eg. our mass, an elephant's mass, the mass of a big bag of rice, etc) we often use kilograms.

Comparing and ordering masses

In comparing and ordering masses, students are expected to be able to determine which object is the lightest and which one is the heaviest, given their mass (in either kg or g).

Your child will not need to know the conversion between grams and kilograms and vice versa, as this will involve concepts of decimals, which they have not learnt.