Sunday, 26 December 2021

Time - Primary 2

 In the topic on primary 2 time, students learn:

  • telling time to 5 minutes
  • to use a.m. and p.m.
  • drawing hands on the clock face to show time
  • duration of one hour or half hour
learning about time in primary 2 Singapore Maths

Telling time to 5 minutes

In primary 1, students learn to tell time to the hour or half an hour. In primary 2, students learn to tell time to 5 minutes. 

Knowledge of the multiplication table for 5 comes in handy when we learn to tell time to 5 minutes.

Using a.m. and p.m.

Next, students learn about a.m. and p.m.

There are 24 hours in a day. A 12- hour clock divides a day into two periods, each being 12 hours. 

We use a.m. for anytime from midnight to before noon (12 p.m.).
We use p.m. for anytime from noon (12 p.m.) to before midnight.

Drawing hands on the clock face to show time

Now that your child knows how to read time to the nearest 5 minutes, for them to learn the reverse --- draw where the hour and minute hands are on the clock given the time.

Duration of one hour or half an hour

In this section, students are expected to tell what the time is half an hour or an hour from a given time.